Our Story

How it all started...

Kingdom Purpose Assembly started in a humble manner, in a compound of an elderly Christian woman  in Olowu street , Ikeja , Lagos, Nigeria. We started with less than ten people with little or nothing.  All we had was the conviction of the calling.
The ministry has since transformed many lives across the globe. We have discipled  and ordain many into the ministry.
Engaging  and staying focus on the pattern  of the calling despite all odds  ,which is an unusual terrain, has been a major  achievement in our success story. We call our pattern " A CRY UNTO REPENTANCE AND ABIDING ON THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Over the years, we have enjoined the goodness of the Lord, our dedicated and committed members are a proof of this testimony

Expanding the vision...

We have continued to open new centers across the globe. Extending the love of Christ to many.  Many are glad to discover us, a church you can trust.

Where we are headed...

Our biggest expectation is the end time revival. We eagerly expect the move of the Holy Spirit That will usher in this revival, so we are busy putting everything in place for this supernatural move of God . 

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.